Bill Status
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Last update
September 5, 2024

A Bill in Rejected status indicates the claims administrator was unable to match the Bill to a claim on file due to errors in the patient or injury information. daisyBill does not reject bills.  Rejections come directly from the Claims Administrator or their designated clearinghouse.  

A Bill in Rejected status is not on file with the Claims Administrator, think of it as being returned to sender.  A Rejected Bill is different from a denied Bill which is a bill that was processed by the Claims Administrator and for which no payment ($0 EOR) was issued.

To resolve a Rejected bill task, Click ‘Contact Claims Administrator’ on the task. Review the rejection reason and verify the patient and injury information with the Claims Administrator. If anything needs correction, please update accordingly and resubmit the bill.

Resubmitting a rejected bill without making changes will result in additional rejections for the Bill.

If everything is an exact match to what the claims administrator lists, then indicate ‘Yes’ for each field. A ticket will be generated for our compliance team to investigate and resubmit the bill as necessary.

Watch the Video below to learn how daisyBill’s new billing functionality helps you better manage your 277 e-bill rejections.

Associated Tasks

A bill in Rejected status will have the below task type assigned.  Click the link to learn more about the task and how to complete it.

Task: Clearinghouse Rejected Bill


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